Mary Buckley

Mary Buckley

Mary Buckley

B.A., M.A.

Emeritus Professor

Associate Professor of Dance

School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences

Department: Corcoran School of the Arts & Design


Email: Mary Buckley
Academic Building & Post Hall 2100 Foxhall Road, NW Washington DC 20052

Mary Buckley is an Emeritus Associate Professor of Dance at George Washington University. She performed in Washington, New York, California and throughout England dancing in the works of many Washington based artists, among them Liz Lerman, Joseph Mills, Meriam Rosen, and Deborah Riley; and she was a member of Kickstart, a British based dance company directed by Virginia Taylor. Professor Buckley taught in the Elizabeth J. Somers Women’s Leadership Program for 25 years, leading the International Arts & Culture Cohort. She was also the WLP Director from 2016-2022.

B.A., Mathematics, New Jersey City University (year)
M.A., Dance, George Washington University (year)

“Malala and Leadership”. Contributor. I Am Malala: A Resource Guide for Educators, Little Brown and Company, 2014.

“Performing Artists: Leading Women Who Broke the Mold”, contributing chapter, Gender and Women’s Leadership: A Reference Handbook, Sage Publishing, Karen O’Connor editor, 2010

Capacity to Transform, Documentary Film-Women of India, official selection at “Reel Film Festival for Women,” Los Angeles, CA and “Women’s International Film Festival,” Miami FL 2009

Writing in the Disciplines, GWU Best Assignment Award, 2017

Morton A Bender Award for Exceptional Teaching, GWU, 2013

Elizabeth J Somers Leadership Award for Faculty, GWU, 2005

Affiliated Faculty, Global Women’s Institute, GW

Member, Academy of Distinguished Teachers, GW