Student Profile: Shirley Hsieh

May 9, 2013

Shirley Hsieh

We love featuring updates from our amazing alums! Find out what former WLP'ers are doing now and what advice they would give to current WLp'ers. If you're an alum who would like to be featured, please email [email protected].

Our featured alum is Shirley Hseih (IAC 2009-10). Find out more about her experiences in the WLP and at GW.

1. Life after WLP

  • Name: Shirley Hsuan Hsieh
  • Academic year and Cohort: International Arts and Culture 2009-2010
  • Undergraduate: B.S. Economics, B.A. International Affairs
  • Graduate: M.A. International Trade and Investment Policy
  • Academic: Working paper, “Chinese Provincial Macroeconomic Data Revisions”, (IIEP working paper, September 2013), Contributed research assistance for ‘Characteristics and Implications of Chinese Macroeconomic Data Revision’ by Tara Sinclair (Working Paper, September 2012) and ‘Fossil Fuel Addiction and the Implications for Climate Change Policy’ by Steve Suranovic (SciVerse, March 2013).
  • Awards: 2013 GW Manatt-Trachtenberg Prize, 2013 Freeman Fellowship Grant, 2013 Sigur Center Summer Language Grant, 2013 Finalist GW Service Excellence Awards
  • On-campus Extracurricular Activities: CSE House Staff Member, Director of International Students in the Student Association, President of National Society of Collegiate Scholars
  • Internship: Economics Research Assistant for GW Institute for International Economic Policy, Nationally selected as one of twelve University Ambassador for Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  • What I am doing now: I am currently in the Presidential Administrative Fellowship (PAF) Program and pursuing a Master’s in International Trade and Investment Policy at the Elliott School. As a PAF, I am also working as an Assistant Coordinator for GW China Operations.

2. On WLP Academics: I began my undergraduate career at GW with the WLP International Arts and Culture program. I really appreciated that I was a part of a smaller community and attended smaller-sized WLP classes instead of the usual large 200-300 freshmen lecture classes. These smaller classes were very important to my successes in my undergraduate career; the smaller student-professor ratio provided the opportunity for me to develop my writing and analytical skills that proved crucial. Moreover, even though I am passionate for the arts and performing arts, I knew that I would not be majoring in the field. Thus, the WLP Arts program was a perfect choice for me to take classes that I am genuinely interested in, whilst allowing me to pursue a dual degree in Economics and International Affairs. I still remember one symposium vividly: a theater performance, "Eclipsed" about the Liberian Civil War. This symposium not only exposed me to theater arts but also to the culture and history of the African region.

Through the WLP Arts program, I have met wonderful professors, mentors and lifelong friends from my cohort. The WLP program is a well-rounded, holistic program and I have even encouraged my sister Felisa Hsieh (WLP Science, Health and Medicine 2011-2012) to join too!

3. On WLP Community: Living with my cohort allowed me to develop lifelong friendships and learn from my friends beyond the classroom. We exchanged ideas, academic and research opportunities with one another in the hallways of our residential hall. These experiences were as valuable as the lessons I learned from classrooms. From living in a small community with my WLP cohort, my freshmen year experience was amplified; the critical skills I learned and experiences we shared as a cohort continued to shape my undergraduate career after and even into my graduate studies today.

4. Looking Back: One piece of advice I would share is to take advantage of the all resources GW, the WLP program and DC has to offer. Make the most out of the program and don't be afraid to try new things. Perhaps ask your WLP cohort to start a new student organization on campus with you or attend a seminar lecture outside of symposium together. I had a wonderful experience with WLP International Arts and Culture program and I know you will too!